Thursday, November 21, 2013

Work Cited

Hwang, David Henry.  “Sound of a Voice.”  Class Reader 26-40. Print.

Parronaud, Vincent, and Marjane Satrapi, Dirs.  Persepolis.  Sonya Classics 2007.
Satrapi, Marjane.  Persepolis. New York: Pantheon, 2003.  Print.
Whitman, Walt.  “Miracles.”  Handout.  
Freedman, Shalom. The Beauty of A Poem. Web
Dahl, Roald. Television. Web

Okay, last post. For real this time :)

So today Sara and Quency showed their video in class today and I can't not write about it, cause I really think that they did a spectacular job. They were the only ones who made a video. Wow.
I'm just gonna rant now.
Sara did a great job editing the video. And the camera angles? WOW. i mean and they didn't even read their lines from the script!! double wow. And Quency, I never knew she had it in her to curse! Triple wow. ahahaha Overall, I just think that they did a great job! :)

And we talked about being labeled something because of how we look or what group we belong in.
Honestly, all my friends that know me now all said that when they first saw me, they all thought that I would be a quiet, studious girl. I don't know if its something to do with my face or if I'm asian, or if I was in the accelerated class but that is probably the impression most people said they had of me when they first saw me. In reality, I am actually easy going and my favorite hobby is procrastinating!! Seriously! hahahaha

Teddy: I may be small, but I'm tough! :D Don't judge a book by its cover everyone!! :)

Last Post

Tania: Well, this is the last post. :(

Teddy: Yeah..

Tania: Well, this English class is probably the best class I have this quarter. I still have trouble with a few things like persuasive writing. I prefer narratives. I am also still not comfortable with quoting or doing "work cited".

Teddy: Let's just hope this girl learnt something.

Tania: Well, I learnt to analyze better, to view things in a different ways (from the poems and the play) and so much more. I personally believe that this English class is very fun and helpful. So sad that there are only 4 classes left :(

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Say My Name

Tania: Hi Teddy, I've been in the United States for a few months already, and I realized something. My friends here have names that are not actually their real names. I can name more than five! Every time I see them introduce themselves with someone new, they'll use their alias. Will, Summer, Ivan, V, TJ, Jimmy are some examples. Unfortunately, if you ask me what their real names are, I'm afraid I might not be able to answer you. Once, the teacher called out my friend's name (their real name) and I didn't know that the teacher was referring to him! I was just shocked that he answered. hahahaha. Silly me. Well, I guess most people that change their names to accommodate other people are mostly Chinese or Vietnamese. I think that having a second name is sort of fun, I mean my friend Jimmy said that he chose the name Jimmy because it was the name of his favorite cartoon character when he was a kid so he went with it. But at the same time, I also wonder, won't it be better if people know you as your real name?

Teddy: Tania has known these people since the first week of school, I can't believe that she still doesn't know some of their real names! I mean, I totally get her in a way, some countries have names that are so hard to pronounce and remember. But I suppose she could at least try!!

And the Grammy goes to..

I talked to Teddy last night.. I don't know if he understood what I said or not.. but.. I think that today's class was great! So I decided to share it with him :)

Me: Teddy, guess what, we had to perform our play today. I acted out two scenes one with Hans and one with Ever. Hans and I took the wood we saw in front of forum 1. It was huge! hahahahha! Anyways, I enjoyed watching everyone's play! Matthew even dressed up really nice! ahahhaha

Teddy: I'm sure you enjoyed that class very much.

Me: I think everyone in my class are great actors and actresses. I didn't know that they had that hidden talent. Everyone had such great emotion in their speech.

Teddy: Gosh! this girl, I get it, I get it, everyone were great at acting but isn't she gonna tell me if she learned anything about the plays?

Me: OH! Guess what? Surprisingly, I understood the plays more after everyone acted the scenes out. I was very surprised. I thought reading the play was better. I learned that the jar of cherries in ___ symbolized blood. Who would've thought of that?! There's so many symbols in plays.

Teddy: Good for her. I thought she didn't get anything from the plays.

Me: Oh Teddy!! I took loads of pictures! Wanna see?

Lucio caught the camera!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Dramas were first popularized by the Romans. During those days, actors were all male. They would dress up as females when female roles were needed. Dramas are a form of entertainment.

When I heard that we were going to have a play in class, I was ecstatic! I love acting! When I was in middle school, my class made a play. It was about the Trojan war. That was my first time acting as a lead character. I was played the role of Cassandra. It was basically a musical, we had songs in between scenes and everything! Our class was going to get graded for the play, so we went all out. We had an extra-ordinary background with lights and a make-up team and even full costumes and props! It was definitely a play I will never forget.

The play I will be acting in in class is called The Sound of A Voice. I am acting out scene 3 with Hans. Honestly, I feel that the scene is sort of weird. It involves touching the male’s stomach a lot, repeating that he’s strong. I know that I have to follow the script, but honestly, some actions written there make me cringe? I mean, what kind of girl would touch a man’s body without knowing him for a long time?

I admit, this play is sort of weird. But, it is somehow good, because it keeps us thinking. We can make assumptions and we can never be wrong! :D

The props Hans and I will be using are just wood, a chair, and an axe. What are the significance of these props? I think all the props used have a meaning.

Wood- Wood is a strong material. Cutting wood is hard work. In Korea, when males are able to cut wood well, they are considered manly.
Chair- Shows that the female is delicate, easily tired.

I practiced the lines myself a few times then with Hans. I think our practice went well. I hope we’ll be able to live up to all of your expectations!